May 21, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2014

Dog on Mondays: Elliot Picone Benitez

Elliot Picone Benitez of Houston rocking his Texans' Jersey

Living with such ardent Texan’s fans, Elliot Picone Benitez of Houston loves to rock his Texans’ Jersey!  “A tail wagging adieu to the dog days of summer,” he tells TroysArt and his people Lisa Benitez & John Hitt. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Benitez.)

White Bucks after Labor Day?

White Bucks after Labor Day?

I recently posed a simple question to my friends on social media: “White Bucks after Labor Day?” And I got a assortment of responses. Etiquette maven Rachel Thomas Hale from Evangeline, Louisiana, simply replied, “Nope!” But Oscar nominated globe-trotter Pud Cusack responded, “Always!” Interior Designer and man-about-town Kirk Longmire of Houston quipped, “Yes, we live in the tropics. All bets are off!” Head of men’s talent for Kim Dawson Agency and professional stylist Gerald Frankowski of Dallas advised, “In the South it can be done until mid to late September.” While a friend from Jennings, Louisiana, Kelley Durham Carambat wondered, …continue reading

Flip Flops Are Disgusting

My Flip Flops, 2014, by Troy Broussard

Mother never allowed us to wear shoes that could be bought at a convenience store; and dad thought that open toe shoes on boys were effeminate. But while walking down the beach at Fire Island in leather soled shoes a decade back I came to accept the purpose for such footwear—and I bought a pair of expensive flip flops. Flip flops are fabulous for the beach or poolside, or as a shower shoe. But when did flip flops become acceptable everyday apparel? Sisterwoman and I determined that there are three techniques of walking in thongs: First there are the “Toe …continue reading

The New & Improved Mandell Park

Mandell Park, Houston

Now we all know what was going on behind the curtained fence at Richmond Avenue and Mandell for the past nine months. The 1 ¼ acre Mandell Park with (Urban Harvest) Meredith Park underwent a complete renovation. For years Friends of Mandell Park worked to raise $1 million for the project. The following is an excerpt from the Manny Chronicles, a journal project that I did in 2010 while caring for the infant Evan Rosette: February 19, 2010 Evan and I had an interesting walk today.  We Four Wheeled it down Bonnie Brae Boulevard to the Mandell Park.  Bonnie Brae …continue reading